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  • ex J3CK, JP1JCK
    The original owner of the TS-850S in my shack. SK, Nov. 30, 2015. RIP.

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« Reckless Running in the ARRL DX Contest 無謀CQ連発コンテスト参加 | トップページ | 「染めの小道」ウォーキング Walking in Our Neighborhood »

2016年2月26日 (金)

QSL Card on Sale カードを売っていた!

I was browsing the Internet the day before yesterday looking for the counterpart of the contact on February 12, since I lost my logbook. After searching for several call-signs with “N5” prefix, I took some time to search for my own call. I was surprised to find that my old QSL card was on sale.

The contact 26 years ago was in my logbook. I went to the riverside of the Ara River in Wako City, Saitama, and took part in the ARRL DX contest, CW. I logged 100 contacts on the 10 meter band, using single “hentenna” loop.
However, it appears that the station on the card was not in the contest. I sent my cards only to several selected stations in the contest, but as I had an ordinary contact with KF6JN, I sent one for this contact.
His QTH was Riverbank, CA, and his rig was Kenwood’s TS-830S, his antenna four element Yagi up 16 meters. I do not know what happened to the operator, of course.
It was good to be reminded of those old days, but I felt a little uneasy as the private information was made public.

By the way, I am 90 per cent sure that the missing suffix of the lost call-sign was “WR”, and I had a contact with N5WR/0, but I have not received any response to my e-mail to the operator yet.
(It was not this call, according to the reply mail from Erik-san. Memory is not reliable. Hi.)


(メールに返事が来て、違っていました。記憶は当てにならないものです。3文字のうち2字の組み合わせと思いましたが、その3字が違っているかも。また、トップがNでなくKだったかも知れません。 2月28日追記)

« Reckless Running in the ARRL DX Contest 無謀CQ連発コンテスト参加 | トップページ | 「染めの小道」ウォーキング Walking in Our Neighborhood »





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: QSL Card on Sale カードを売っていた!:

« Reckless Running in the ARRL DX Contest 無謀CQ連発コンテスト参加 | トップページ | 「染めの小道」ウォーキング Walking in Our Neighborhood »