JP3AYQ/6 @ JAFF-092 慶良間諸島国立公園からオンエア
Mami, JP3AYQ is active now from the Keramashoto National Park, JAFF-092. She will be there through July 16, 2015.
She is on Aka Island, Zamami Village, Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa, JCG#47002/R, IOTA AS-017, JIA#47-125.
Bands and Modes: 7-28MHz, SSB / CW(QRS) / Digital
Antenna: fishing rod vertical
QRV time: late afternoon and evening local time except supper time (09-10 UTC)
Her CW signals were heard on 40 meter band around 11 UTC yesterday with many JA callers, but 15 meter band did not appear to be open to any oversea area.
« SOTAマップ SOTA Map | トップページ | 9M6/JJ0KRD Starts on August 1. ラブアン島からの運用計画 »
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« SOTAマップ SOTA Map | トップページ | 9M6/JJ0KRD Starts on August 1. ラブアン島からの運用計画 »