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    The original owner of the TS-850S in my shack. SK, Nov. 30, 2015. RIP.

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« 池袋-練馬ウォーキング Walking From Ikebukuro to Nerima | トップページ | Portable JAFF-013 (2) 上信越高原国立公園移動(長野県軽井沢町) »

2014年5月 6日 (火)

Portable JAFF-013 (1)

I activated JAFF-013, Joshin’etsukogen (Joshu, Shinshu and Echigo Highlands, namely Gunma, Nagano and Niigata Highlands) National Park again on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4.
Joshin'etsukogen National Park (Minisitry of Environment)
This was my second attempt from the same site where I went in July last year. (There was an article dated July 16, 2013.)
I started CW operation around 0440 UTC, but there was no caller for about one hour. I received the first DX call from RL3DS at 0601 and many calls followed it. I logged 112 call signs until I closed my operation of the day after the contact with G4KFT at 0857, helped by good band condition of the 15 meter band. Many thanks to the callers in Europe and Asia. There were a few stations that sent signal reports to me while I was having contacts with other stations, to my regret. 
Several short videos of the day with sounds from Europe can be found on the page below:

Img_7929s A diamond shaped wire loop antenna was used. I tried northeastern direction at first.

Img_7927s The site was the parking lot of the Tsumagoi Village Shakunage (Rhododendron) Garden on the northern slope of 2,568m high Mt. Asama. The site is approximately 1,500 meters high ASL and in Tsumagoi Village, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma, JCG-16001. The lot had become larger than last year, but was almost vacant as we have to wait a few weeks to see shakunage flowers.

Img_7900s Mt. Asama, an active volcano, was too close to be seen fully from the site, but a giant rock near its summit could be seen.

It was a good day for me radio-wise but it came after a tiring seven hour ride. The day was the first day of four consecutive holidays in Japan, and many vacationers entered the expressways as early as 0500 local time. I was able to proceed only 50km for my first two hours departing my home in Tokyo at 0450 local time.
Then, when I reached the summit of the Kurumazaka pass, the point only twenty minutes away from the Rhododendron Garden in summer, an attendant at the information center there informed me of the fact that the last leg of the road to the garden was still closed because of the heavy snow fall during last winter. A long detour was necessary and it took two hours from the pass to the garden including lunch break. I was sorry that I could not make the announced starting time of 0300Z, but this was the story behind it.


« 池袋-練馬ウォーキング Walking From Ikebukuro to Nerima | トップページ | Portable JAFF-013 (2) 上信越高原国立公園移動(長野県軽井沢町) »



長距離運転、お疲れ様でした。でも、たくさんのDXと交信ができて良かったですね。 朝方のロングパスのEUだったのか、夕方の時間帯だったのかわかりませんでしたが、やはり呼ばれるとテンションあがりますね。EUはカブリ多いのかも知れませんが、勝手にシグナルレポートを送って来る局が多くて手間がかかります。皆さん、自信があるのでしょうけれど、やはり、コールサインを取ってもらってからレポート送って欲しいですね。
今回の使用アンテナは十字架ループだったのでしょうか? 今月末に出掛ける先では、「JCF片竿デルタループ」を使ってみようと思い、長めの釣り竿を送っておきました。





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« 池袋-練馬ウォーキング Walking From Ikebukuro to Nerima | トップページ | Portable JAFF-013 (2) 上信越高原国立公園移動(長野県軽井沢町) »