Amsterdam Island アムステルダム島
It may be audacious to write about FT5ZM as I have made only two contacts with the station, but it is one of the few chances for me to write about a DX-pedition because I cannot contact with most of big expeditions. My first contact was made on Thursday, January 30 at 04 hour UTC on 28MHz by CW and the second one was made on Tuesday, February 4 at 05 hour UTC on 21MHz band (21.085, !) by CW. I have an antenna only for those two bands now and am not interested much in phone QSOs. My thanks go to the operators.
Anyway, I have browsed the Internet looking for information on Amsterdam Island and have compared it with Tristan da Cunha Island in the Atlantic Ocean since both are extremely isolated islands and have some similarities. It is necessary to sail more than a week to get to both islands through the Roaring Forties.
Amsterdam Tristan da Cunha
Latitude 37d, 50s South 37d South
Longitude 77d, 30s East 12d West
Size of Area 55 sq km 98 sq km
Highest Point 881m asl 2,062m asl
Annual Mean Temp. 13d C 14.6d C
Annual Rainfall 1,100mm 1,675mm
Population 20-30 (scientists etc.) 260
Government France United Kingdom
Terres Australes et St. Helena, Ascension and
Antarctiques Francaises Tristan da Cunha
Nearest City Perth (Port of Freemantle) Cape Town
Scheduled Transportation None MV Baltic Trader (1,738t) etc.
(MV Braveheart, 39m long) (nine services yearly)
Common Plant Phylica arborea Phylica arborea
Photo: QSL Cards of FT5ZB and FT4ZE, worked in 1988 and 1989. Cards from FT2XE, station on Kerguelen Island of the TAAF, are also shown. I have no card from FT/W.
たまたま島の植生のことを読んでいたら、フィリカ・アルボレアという木(クロウメモドキ科)が、アムステルダム島と、同じような孤島で大西洋の南方にあるトリスタンダク-ニャ島、ZD9など、南半球の数島にのみ生えているということが分かりました。そこで、二つの島を比べてみることにしました。3年前、2011年のNHKの「世界で一番”遠い”島」という、トリスタンダクーニャを題材にした番組の録画がまだ保存してあり、こちらの島は、様子がビジュアルに分かるので、アムステルダム島の状況や特色が分かりやすいと思いました。(JN3TRK局のブログの2011年3月9日記事へのコメントに、この番組にDL2AH = ZD9AH が登場すると書いてあったので、再放送を録画しました。)
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