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  • ex J3CK, JP1JCK
    The original owner of the TS-850S in my shack. SK, Nov. 30, 2015. RIP.

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« 知日・親日派ハム Japanophiles in Ham Radio | トップページ | J-Pole Antenna J型アンテナ製作 »

2014年1月29日 (水)

From an Observation Lobby 展望ロビーより

There is a high-rise building with an observation lobby open to the public on its highest twentieth floor about 1.6 kilometers or one mile away from my home. I went up there with my camera ten days ago. It was not the best day as the air was not very clear maybe because there was not enough wind, but a couple of photos are shown here.
The tall buildings in the Shinjuku business district are seen in the first photo. Our house is somewhere to the left of the photo, almost surrounded by medium size buildings. Most of those structures are condominiums; the land use of this western part of Tokyo is primarily residential.

The high-rises in the central business district of Tokyo and neighboring sectors with sprawling large offices are in second photo. A unique round structure at the center is a water tank for water supply.


« 知日・親日派ハム Japanophiles in Ham Radio | トップページ | J-Pole Antenna J型アンテナ製作 »





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: From an Observation Lobby 展望ロビーより:

« 知日・親日派ハム Japanophiles in Ham Radio | トップページ | J-Pole Antenna J型アンテナ製作 »