Dresden ドレスデン
A nice QSL card from Dresden, Germany, was included in a package from the bureau the other day. It was from Thomas, DK3DUA; our contact was made on 4 June, 2011 on 17 meter band, CW. I was QRV from the Uchiyama Camping Ground in the Myogi-Arafune-Saku Quasi-National Park, JAFF-052. Many thanks to Tom for the contact and his kind permission to upload the image.
Dresden has been famous as the symbol of friendship between Germany and the United Kingdom and other former allied nations since the reconstruction of the Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche) several years ago. I have been curious to know the city since my twenties, however, because of the words of praise of the beauty of the city by Erich Kaestner in his superb autobiography of his childhood, “When I Was a Little Boy”. The book has been one of my most favorite books. The book not only makes us to remember our own childhood, but also lets us know how people lived in a German city one hundred years ago. The author wrote on WW II only briefly, but the grief brought by it on him and other people can be felt well by the readers, and I think that makes this book unforgettable.
Here is a link to a photo of the loop antenna of 20m size used by me on the day of the contact.
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