8J1TK/1 at Inokashira Park, Tokyo
I visited the portable site of the special event amateur radio station, 8J1TK, in the Mitaka City portion of the Inokashira Park yesterday afternoon accepting an invitation from a friend I received on the day before. The club in charge of the operation was the Musashino City Amateur Radio Society with the support by the Musashino Club. This special call sign is issued to commemorate the Tokyo Sports Festival to be held in Tokyo in fall of this year and has been and is to be operated by several radio clubs in Tokyo. Many mono-band antennas that were set utilizing a picnic pavilion of the park could be found easily. It appeared to be an ideal set-up for domestic contacts, but some operators were having difficulty receiving signals due to interferences from transmissions by co-operators.
Antennas: Six elememt yagi for 6m, loop for 15m, inverted V for 10m and other antennas.
昨日の午後は、近くへ行くついで があったのと知人からのお誘いで、井の頭公園西園(三鷹市)に行き、特別記念局8J1TKの移動運用を見てきました。この局は、秋に東京で行われる予定の国体と全国障害者スポーツ大会の両者からなる「スポーツ祭東京2013」を記念するものとのことです。原則として1週間ごとに都内のクラブが持ちまわりで運用することになっているそうで、この週末は、武蔵野市アマチュア無線同好会が当番ですが、このあたりに会員が多い武蔵野クラブとの合同運用のようになっていました。三鷹市の協力で公園の東屋の一角を使用しており、機材の運搬のための車の乗り入れも認められたそうです。
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