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« QSL Card, JA6FOF | トップページ | ヒトツバタゴ Chionanthus retusus »

2013年4月20日 (土)

Perry’s Landing Site

A large picture of the landing of Commodore Mathew C. Perry at Kurihama beach in 1853 was shown in the special exhibition on the history of modern Japan held by the National Archives of Japan and I could see it last Tuesday.
I wrote a comment on December 10 last year and uploaded a photo of present day Kurihama. We can visualize what it was like 160 years ago by this drawing. The narrow bay to the right is Uraga Bay. Perry’s delegation is at the center of the beach in front of the temporary building for ceremonies. It is surrounded by the units of samurai dispatched by several feudal lords by the order of Bakufu, the Shogun’s government.





« QSL Card, JA6FOF | トップページ | ヒトツバタゴ Chionanthus retusus »





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« QSL Card, JA6FOF | トップページ | ヒトツバタゴ Chionanthus retusus »