Chronology with regards to Ranald MacDonald
*Ranald MacDonald, 1824-1894
Father, Archibald McDonald was born at Leechkentium, near Glen Coe, Argyllshire, Scotland 1790/02/03(yyyy/mm/dd)
Ranald MacDonald was born 1824/02/03
Attended a school at Red River (Winnipeg) 1834
Moved to St. Thomas (in Ontario) 1838
Left St. Thomas 1841 (summer)
Left New York aboard the whaling ship Plymouth, 425t
Left Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) 1847 (autumn)
Disembarked from the Plymouth, landed Yagishiri Island 1848/06/27
Landed Rishiri Island at Notsuka 1848/ 07/02
Landed Nagasaki via Soya and Eramachi 1848/10/13
Left Nagasaki aboard USS Preble commanded by Commander James Glynn
*History of the Pacific coast regions of North America
The United Kingdom of Great Britain 1707
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 1801
Treaty of 1818 1818
coexistence of Oregon Country (U.S.A.)
and Columbia District of (British) Hudson's Bay Company
Oregon Treaty signed 1846/06/15
The 49th parallel border except Vancouver Island agreed
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848/02/02
California belongs to the U.S.A.
Oregon Territory, U.S.A. 1848
Colony of Vancouver Island 1849
California Statehood 1850
Washington Territory, U.S.A. 1853
Colony of British Columbia 1858
Oregon Statehood 1859
Canadian Confederation 1867
Britishi Columbia joined Canada 1871
« 「マクドナルド『日本回想記』」 Ranald MacDonald | トップページ | 三の丸尚蔵館 Sannomaru Shozokan »
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« 「マクドナルド『日本回想記』」 Ranald MacDonald | トップページ | 三の丸尚蔵館 Sannomaru Shozokan »