"The Longest Day" 「史上最大の作戦」
I read "The Longest Day: June 6, 1944" by Cornelius Ryan the other day. The book was in my bookshelf but I did not remember reading it. I must have bought it long time ago. There were traces of reading only in the first several pages.
Two facts were interesting to me.
The allied forces used gliders to land airborne troops. Parachutes were effective but there were difficulties to assemble paratroopers on the ground. Landing by gliders was dangerous but had the advantage of sending units of troops. This tactic was not used in the Pacific theater as far as I know.
Two commanding officers of the American airborne divisions in the Normandy operation became military and political leaders in the post war U. S. A.: The C.O. of the 82nd Airborne Division, Major Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway and the C.O. of the 101st Airborne Division, Maxwell D. Taylor.
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« クラブ局公開移動運用 Demonstration by Local Radio Club | トップページ | Activation of Edo Castle, WCA JA-00010 江戸城移動 »