Sakura Castle, WCA JA-00166 佐倉城移動
I went to Sakura City, Chiba yesterday to visit the National Museum of Japanese History and to operate radio from the castle at the center of the town.
The spacious lot I parked my car in the afternoon is in front of a dry moat of the castle. By a vertical antenna set on the roof of my car, I logged sixteen stations in Europe, Oceania and Japan.
Dry moat of the castle in front of the parking lot. The castle has no stone walls.
After 0600 UTC, I received calls from FK and VK on 15 meter band. At 0635 I was called by a JA1 station that I know. He appeared to have reported my call sign to a cluster and I started to receive calls from Europe and Asia. It lasted for about twenty minutes.
No contact was made except with an OK station that I called and with another familiar JA1 station, after 0700Z. I went QRT a little before 08Z as the sun had set and it became colder.
This was my third attempt of WCA activation and the best in terms of the number of contacts with oversea stations, though the number is still far short of the figure necessary for an activator's award, 50 for each activation.
There are several other castles within the similar distance from where I live, but it seems difficult to find locations where larger antennas can be used.
昨日は、久しぶりに車でちょっと遠くまで出かけました。行き先は佐倉、国立歴史民族博物館(「歴博」)、佐倉城址、旧陸軍第57連隊兵営跡を見ることと、WCA 城アワードのアクティベーションのトライと、一石四鳥ねらいの目的地でしたが、まず、無線のことから書くことにします。
« Activation of Edo Castle, WCA JA-00010 江戸城移動 | トップページ | 佐倉城(2) Sakura Castle(2) »
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« Activation of Edo Castle, WCA JA-00010 江戸城移動 | トップページ | 佐倉城(2) Sakura Castle(2) »