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    The original owner of the TS-850S in my shack. SK, Nov. 30, 2015. RIP.

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« "The Longest Day" 「史上最大の作戦」 | トップページ | Sakura Castle, WCA JA-00166 佐倉城移動 »

2012年11月17日 (土)

Activation of Edo Castle, WCA JA-00010 江戸城移動

It was a pleasant fall day yesterday and the sunspot number seemed to be high. I decided to try the activation of WCA JA-00010, Edo Castle after lunch. It took about forty minutes to get to my QTH. I went on the air on the 12 meter band at first at 0700 UTC. I could receive a report from a 4X station but there was no answer to my CQ. After QSY to 10 meters, I could contact five stations: 3 URs, 1 European UA and 1 JA(1) probably helped by US7IVW’s spotting to a cluster.
After about a little less than an hour an attendant of the toll parking lot where I parked my car came over and told me that the radio operation is not allowed in the lot. As there had been no callers after those six QSOs, I started dismantling without hesitation.
Considering that there was the big building of the Science and Technology Museum to the northwest at the QTH and the antenna I used was only a fishing rod vertical, I think the turnout was not so bad. If I had started one hour earlier, I might have been able to log more contacts.
The only JA station I had a contact yesterday was JE1GWO. The operator appears very active and has repeated calling my portable activities for the last two years. I would like to thank him and hope to see him again soon.




« "The Longest Day" 「史上最大の作戦」 | トップページ | Sakura Castle, WCA JA-00166 佐倉城移動 »



Hello Nobi,
nice article ... Many TNX for your WCA activities and for your LOGs you sent us. All QSOs are in the WCA e-log database.
73 & 11 de Jirka – OK5NN
WCA e-log manager

Hello Jirka,
Thank you very much for your message. Sorry that this weblog form is not English-friendly.
As you see, it is not very easy to take part in the WCA program from JA, but I would like to try again some time in the future. GL es GUD DX.



この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: Activation of Edo Castle, WCA JA-00010 江戸城移動:

« "The Longest Day" 「史上最大の作戦」 | トップページ | Sakura Castle, WCA JA-00166 佐倉城移動 »