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« Surprise Contact 驚いたQSO | トップページ | 日本橋川 The Nihonbashi River »

2012年9月 7日 (金)

The King's Speech 英国王のスピーチ

I saw "The King's Speech", a cinema that won the Academy Awards for the best film, the best director and the best actor last year by a videodisc. Though it was a bit difficult for a foreigner to appreciate it in detail as the movie's main theme was a speech in English, I enjoyed good performances of actors and actresses. It was interesting as a story that had deep relations with the two world wars.

The speech therapist, Lionel Logue, who helped King George VI, was an Australian and established himself as a speech therapist by treating shell-shocked soldiers in WW I.


The photo above is the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. This gigantic shrine was built after WW I to remember those served in the war. We can feel the extent of the world war and the reality of the British Dominion in those days from the shrine. 




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