Asaza (Floating Heart) Project アサザ・プロジェクト
A friend of mine from my student days made a presentation about his voluntary involvement with the "Asaza Project"a week ago, and I attended it to learn what he is doing after his retirement from his successful career in the business world.
Asaza is Japanese word for the floating heart, Nymphoides peltata. Groups of this plant were plentiful in Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki, years ago, but after the development of water resources of the lake during the years of Japan's rapid economic growth, they have become rare and the species is now on the list of those next to the near distinction.
The project seems to be a very ambitious one: it not only engaged in activities to restore the biodiversity of the lake but also to revitalize local communities and to function as an area-wide environmental education program.
My friend appears to be very happy serving for the project mostly as an advisor utilizing his business experiences.
写真は、4年前の9月に、この友人の勧めで花見に行ったときのものです。このときは、無線機も持って行って、茨城県稲敷郡美浦村、JCG 14001/I を少しサービスしました。
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