QSL Cards, UA0s
The call area number zero of Russia may be the largest call area in the world.
The package of cards I received recently contained two colorful cards from both ends of the area: UA0A, Krasnoyarsk, and UA0Z, Kamchatka.
UA0APV: I worked this station from JAFF-052, the Myogi-Arafune-Saku Quasi-National Park in June 2011. According to the QRZ.com page of this station, a photo of Lake Svetloe in Ergaki Nature Park (RFF-208), West Sayan Mountains, is used for the card. I had thought that the central part of Siberia was flat, but there are high mountains.
RA0ZN: this station sent me two cards, one for our contact in the same portable operation as above, and another for our contact in October 2010. I operated in JAFF-005, the Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park then.
The location of this station is Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. I have seen the name of this port city reading history books of Japan in the nineteenth century. It also appears in the book on Jean François de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse, the great French expeditioner of the eighteenth century, whose name is used to identify many landmarks in the Pacific. The Soya Strait is also known as the La Perouse Strait in Europe.
UA0のカードです。世界で一番広いコールエリアかも知れません。 たまたま、このエリアの東西の端のカードが最近の転送分に入っていました。UA0A は、西のクラスノヤスルク、UA0Z は、東のカムチャッカです。
西の端の方は、シベリア中央部で平原のようなイメージを持っていましたが、高山もあるようで、上のUA0APVのカードの写真は、西サヤン山脈にあるエルガキ自然公園、RFF-208 のものだそうです。
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