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« Ashida Post Town 芦田宿 | トップページ | QRZ Logbook »

2012年6月14日 (木)

A5, Bhutan ブータン

I succeeded to have a contact with A52JY in Bhutan on 20m band by CW early morning of Wednesday, June 13, local time (about a quarter past 2100 UTC, June 12).

I had wanted to have a contact with this DXpedition carried out by the five members of the Yamato Amateur Radio Club, JA1ZEK, since I knew one of them in person and had had some previous contacts with others. In addition, I had never contacted a station in the country.

As it is impossible for me to work a rare DXpedition by a fishing rod vertical antenna if there is any other caller, my tactic is to watch and call towards the end of the expedition; there may be a chance to work after most stations have worked them.

I could hear good signals of A52MA on Monday evening local time on 17m band, but there were still many callers and there was no chance for me. On Tuesday evening, I could not hear any CW signal from them, though I was able to hear solid phone signals of A52VE on 15m. I almost gave up to have a contact, but on Wednesday, I somehow woke up early in the morning fortunately. Though I did not hear any signal by myself, I found a spotting to a cluster by a W3 station in my PC. Tuning my tranceiver, I found CQ of A52JY on 20m band and could work him soon afterwards.

Ja1zek_hp_top_s( )

水曜日の朝、大和クラブのブータン・ペディションの一員、A52JY と交信することができました。バーチカルだけの常置場所の設備では、呼ぶ人が少なくなるぺディの終わり近くしかチャンスがありません。今回は、皆さんが、それぞれのコールで出ているので、呼ぶ人も減らないようで、ほとんどあきらめかけましたが、最終日の前日になんとか滑り込みでできました。


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