New Tranceiver
I started to use my new tranceiver, Yaesu FT-450DM, 50 watt output, this afternoon.
The application of permit of the replacement of my tranceiver from Yaesu FT-757GX to the new one was filed on-line on April 6, using the site shown below.
As there had been no response since the transmission of the application, I called the authority and found out it would take two weeks more until my application would be processed. However, the official told me that it was all right to go ahead using the new rig as long as I reported the replacement, because it was within the specification of my license document.
By the way, the automatic antenna tuner, FC-1000, which I refered to under the title of "Gambling?" is working okey. The standing wave ratios are a bit high (1.4, 1.5) on some bands. I do not know why, but I can use the other automatic tuner built in the tranceiver for the time being.
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