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« Katsuura Lighthouse | トップページ | Radio Club Meeting »

2012年4月22日 (日)

Lighthouse Forum

Attended the ninth lighthouse forum held at Enoshima, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, yesterday afternoon. It was my first attendence to the event. I had been aware of this event for the last few years, but had not been able to attend.

There were four presentations:

"The damages on the aids of navigation by the Eastern Japan Big Earthquake of last year and their restoration"

"An experiance of tsunami and afterwards" by a lighthouse enthusiast

"Lighthouse papercraft"

"Cape Roca and Portugal in the Age of  Great Navigation"

The presentations were interesting and informative for me. By the way, "the Age of  Great Navigation" in the title of the fourth presentation is my direct translation from Japanese. The term is used in Japan instead of "the Age of Discovery," because "discovery" does not make sence among us or in other countries that were discovered by the Portuguese and the other Europeans.

There is a small shop of lighthouse-related goods at Katase, the neighborhood at the opposite coast of Enoshima (Eno Island,) and it has been my rule to buy a lighthouse calendar for the last few years at the shop. The event was mainly organized by the owner of the shop.



« Katsuura Lighthouse | トップページ | Radio Club Meeting »





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